Play the Day Away.

A child centered farm experience


We believe play is the work of childhood.

Through play, children can learn cause and effect, social skills, math basics, language skills, and so much more. We want the opportunity for our children to play in lieu of sitting at a desk and taking tests. Learning, which incorporates play, has a lasting effect. At Burned Oak Farm we aim to give children the chance to learn through doing. So, put on some old clothes, get ready to get your hands dirty, and play the day away!


Raised by Truth and Grit.

As the daughter of a blue collar worker, the decline in encouraging children to enter these trades, alarms me. I want younger generations to see money can be made, life-long practical skills learned, and job satisfaction achieved by finding a trade, learning it well, and showing after day. I want children to realize these jobs are necessary and worth their effort to learn. At Burned Oak Farm we aim to teach these skills with a hands on approach.

Burned Oak Farm Experience

We hope you come, stay, and enjoy all that
our family has worked hard to create.